Sunday, February 05, 2006

Cartoon-like Outrage

By now, you've probably all heard about the furor in the Muslim world created by a cartoon series, some of which showed Muhammad with a bomb in his turban, published in numerous European papers. I think it was stupid of the newspapers to print them, knowing it was insulting to Muslims everywhere (I'm all for free speech, but it must be tempered with wisdom. Just because you can doesn't mean you should). The other day I was watching the BBC world news, where they were showing a segment on the protests that have been occurring. You saw many posters along the lines of "behead the desecraters" and "you will pay." I also heard them chanting "jihad! jihad!" Apparently, depictions of Muhammad are a sacrelige in Islam, as they are all very paranoid about the possibility of it becoming idol worship. One might suggest that their worship of the Quran has turned THAT into an idol, but that's not where I'm going with this post.

What I would like to say is this. Hey Muslims; chill the fuck out! While you have a right to be angry about this insult to your faith, there's no call for shouts of war or firebombing embassies. Why is it that every time something insults them, like pictures of the Prophet or soldiers pissing on Qurans, even when the outrage is justified, why is it that they always want to kill people? I think it's great that they're protesting en masse (I wish we the American public could learn to do more of that), but why always the violent bent?

I'll close by posing a question: What desecrates Islam more? Cartoons of Muhammad with a bomb in his turban, or Muslims daily killing themselves and innocents with bombs on their belts in the name of Muhammad's teachings? Where is your outrage on that?


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