Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Good weather, good ride

The other day, a little stir-crazy from all the cold weather, and really wanting to do something bicycle related if not actually going riding, I finally got around to putting my rack and water bottle cage on my new bike. The rack looks good, I can't wait to start making use of it. More importantly, at least for the moment, was the bottle cage. I didn't have it there for my last ride, which was stupid of me, but I kept forgetting to put it on, and didn't remember till halfway out on the ride, when I started getting thirsty. I stopped by a park that had bathrooms (which were locked) and a fountain (which was turned off). I was pretty pissed off about it all, and especially at the city of Birmingham, until I realized that they have to do that because pipes freeze. So, I was happy going riding today, knowing I'd have some water on board. Ironically, I didn't drink at all today, even though I put on more miles (13.5 compared to the earlier 11).

It was a good ride too, for the most part. The weather was great; 43 degrees, mostly dry pavement, and the sun even came out. I should have waited longer after eating that oatmeal, because my stomach was getting upset for a while, and I thought I was going to hurl; and as always, it took me a few miles to get into a rhythm such that I'm not gasping for air. Being out of shape sucks. But that aside, it was all good. I went with my dad, who showed me a great hill (and a good ride in general). Coming around the corner, I saw it standing there, very difficult looking. But oddly enough it wasn't that bad, there's a nice (smaller) downhill leading up to it, which I used to much advantage. I think it looks worse than it is, though it still wasn't what I'd call easy. Sure would be fun coming down it though. I'll have to return to it at some point to practice my climbing skills and strength.

Also, I saw one other rider out there, though actually not on my long ride. I later went up to the video store and saw another guy coming towards me. We were both riding along Woodward so we were necessarily on the sidewalk. Amazingly, he actually waved at me and even smiled. Such a rare thing around these parts, in my experience. It put a smile on my face. I guess it doesn't take much to please me. Still, it's amazing more people weren't out taking advantage of the weather, even if it is the middle of the week. Shoot, I'm about to go clean up the dog poop out back, just for an excuse to be outside.

PS I'll try to get some pictures of my bike some time soon.


Blogger Doug said...

Your blog is off to an excellent start, keep writin' and ridin'.

7:40 PM  

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