Sunday, April 01, 2007


Today, working turned to toil. It's not that it was a hard day, particularly. There were the rough parts, but the thing that ruined it, the thing that did me in, was the weather. The sun blazing away in freshly clearing skies, vaporizing the residues of last night's storm, the one I was awake for because again I did not sleep. And at a perfect 65 degrees or thereabouts, my envy of the customers at the bike shop across the parking lot could not have been greater. Watching them ride up on their two-wheeled steeds made me realize how severly lacking my current life has been in terms of enjoyment. I have no time to ride, hardly any time at all to be outside, and thought the days and months have been fast disappearing with my life, today the time went by slower than slow. It was my coworkers that made the day survivable, as usual, joking our way through the hours that would otherwise have consumed me. I try again and again to cheer myself by the thought where I'll be in one year hence: working my way up and through those Georgia mountains, Maine-bound or bust; but to little effect. I cannot ignore the facts: another year of staring at cans of cat food, bags of dog food. Hell, another week of hearing about the Great Pet Food Recall of 2007 will drive me out of my mind; repeating the same answer 70 times a day cannot be good for the mind (on another day I may go into a rant on food quality, animal AND human, the problems of mass production and huge corporations, but not now). And to miss yet another spring, save for glimpses gleaned from stolen moments; to labor through another summer sweating the heat and wasted days is what I try my utmost not to ponder. For now, I'll focus on the nature program on TV, and the fact that I at last have a day off come Easter, though I hear the temperatures are set to plummet back to winter.


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